Our village

Our home villages Pretzschendorf, Colmnitz, Klingenberg, Friedersdorf und Röthenbach are situated in the German federal state of Saxony in the south-east of Germany.

Berlin, capital of Germany, is located about 230 km north of Pretzschendorf. Praha, capital of the Czech Republic, is situated 140 km south. The capital of Saxony, Dresden – known worldwide for its baroque buildings as the rebuilt Frauenkirche – is 35 km away. The railway station Klingenberg-Colmnitz is part of the railway line between Dresden and Zwickau.

In total, barely 4,000 inhabitants are living in our five villages in the lower Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge, famous for wooden christmas decoration like nutcrackers and incense smokers) at a height of 350 m to 550 m above sea level. The adjacent Klingenberg Dam is a local recreation area and the source of potable water for the region.

On the following pages you learn more about our home villages:



Our home village Pretzschendorf


Our home village Colmnitz


Our home village Klingenberg


Our home village Friedersdorf


Our home village Röthenbach
Pretzschendorfer Weihnachtsberg

Christmas diorama of Pretzschendorf

Pictures and video clip showing the Christmas diorama of Pretzschendorf and 48 paper models of historical buildings from Pretzschendorf and vicinity for download.
More topics are available on our German page.
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